Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Myspace Survey # 22 - 47 "Unasked Questions"

Would you kill your neighbor?
Whats one word that describes your last fight?
What were you doing ten minutes ago?
What's the last movie you saw?
What did your last text message say?
Who have you talked to most today?
Do you carve pumpkins every year?
Color of your shirt?
Who is on speed dial 2?
Whats your favorite season?
How are you feeling right now?
I'm feeling good.
What did you do this past weekend?
How many times have you moved?
What is the last thing you touched?
Would you do anything for someone else?
Have you ever been called a punk?
Was yesterday better than today?
What is your ring tone?
Do you have a favorite number?
Are your grades good?
Do you hate anyone/anything?
Anyone...nah. Anything...yeah
Does your best friend have a MySpace?
If you could meet anyone who would it be?
Last time you went out to lunch?
Do you have any music you're ashamed of?
Have you ever gotten into a physical fight with a member of the opposite sex?
How old will you be in 4 months?
Do you think you'll be married by then?
What did you do last night?
Are you a Lost fanatic
Do people ever spell your name wrong?
Do you believe everyone has a soul mate?
Can you sing?
When was the last time you cried?
Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization?
Have you ever been to South America or Africa?
Do you know how to knit?
Do you have a job?
Is there anything thats currently bothering you?
What are you doing right now besides this survey?
Do you know how to play poker?
Physics or chemistry?
Facebook or MySpace?
Fly or road trip?
What are your plans for tonight?

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